Who Are We?

Key Personnel:

Jeremy Frey (University of Southampton)
Jeremy FreyĀ is Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Southampton. He is fully committed to a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to chemical research. His most recent experimental laser research probes the shape of single large molecules of biological significance, such as enzymes, using EUV and soft x-ray coherent diffraction imaging and x-ray spectroscopy. Experimental data is transferred automatically to an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN): LabTrove , which his research group developed, and the interdisciplinary project is managed via the LabTrove system. He continues to be vigorously involved with the UK e-Science, e-Research and Digital Economy programmes. Jeremy led the CombeChem project, (www.combechem.org) which developed e-Science and Grid infrastructure to provide support for and carry out chemical research, including, for example, the Smart Tea Project (smarttea.org). Subsequent projects deploy Web 2.0 & social networking technologies to develop a “Chemical Semantic Web”; the e-Bank & e-Crystals projects establish ā€œPublication @ Sourceā€ as a key goal in the drive for appropriate curation. Jeremy was the chair of the UK e-Science User Group (2005-7) and in 2005/6 held a Visiting Fellowship at the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications at ANU, Canberra. He is a dynamic proponent of the usable IT infrastructure and the way such technology can transform research practice and changes the dynamics of research and education.

Gerard Parr (University of Ulster)
Professor Gerard ParrĀ is Chair in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Ulster at Coleraine in Northern Ireland. He holds a PhD in Self Stabilizing Protocols -aspects of which he developed whilst a Visiting Scientist at the DARPA Information Sciences Institute in Los Angeles under the guidance of the late Professor Jon Postel. Areas of research within his group include interplanetary network protocols, real-time network management systems, Energy Aware Communications Infrastructure, and Applications Performance Management in Virtualised Cloud Environments. He has attracted several Ā£millions of external research and commercial funding and has advised international governments on the allocation of funding to projects valued in total of approximately Ā£650 million. In recent years he has been successful in attracting major EPSRC research funding for a WINES III project in Sensing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that involves colleagues from UCL, Oxford, UK Home Office, Thales, BAE Systems and Boeing USA.: (www.suaave.org). He has been instrumental in the development of a consortium of leading UK-India academia and industry (led by BT Innovate) to create the first India-UK Advanced Technology Centre (IU-ATC) of Excellence in Next Generation Networks Systems:Ā www.iu-atc.com. Phase 1 of this major 5-year initiative has received initial funding and support to the tune of Ā£9.2M in Spring 2009 from EPSRC Digital Economy Programme & Indian-DST and the consortium partners and Phase 2 has just been launched in January 2012. Parr is a Member of the RCUK-EPSRC ICT Strategic Advisory Team and a Member of a sub-group for developing strategy for international collaborations between EPSRC and NSF in the USA. He is a member of the International Technical Advisory Board of Etisalat-BT Innovation Centre in UAE and also the EPSRC-Centre for Doctoral Training in Communications at the University of Bristol.

Mark Sandler (QMUL)
Mark Sandler FIET, FBCS, FAES, SMIEEEĀ is Professor of Signal Processing and Head of School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary, as well as PI on the Doctoral Training Centre in Media and Arts Technology (www.mat.qmul.ac.uk) and Director of qMedia (www.qmedia.qmul.ac.uk). His own research has focussed on technology applications to music, most recently Music Informatics, Music Recommendation and Semantic Web for Music. His research team has led the development of the Music Ontology, now used by the BBC and other organisations. He is also PI on the recently announced EPSRC ICT Futures project, Semantic Media, which is a smaller network+ grant, bringing together researchers and industry with expertise in both content and semantics.

Richard Mortier (University Nottingham)
Richard MortierĀ is a Horizon Transitional Fellow in Computer Science at the University of Nottingham. His research centres on networked technologies within the Digital Economy. Current focuses include exokernels for secure high-performance multiscale computing; and infrastructure for building ecosystems around privacy-preserving third-party access to personal data. Prior to joining Nottingham he spent two years as founder at Vipadia Limited designing and building the Clackpoint and Karaka real-time communications products, six years as a researcher with Microsoft Research Cambridge, and seven months as a visitor at Sprint ATL, CA. He received a Ph.D. from the Systems Research Group at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, and a B.A. in Mathematics, also from the University of Cambridge.

Mike Surridge (University of Southampton)
Dr Mike SurridgeĀ is Research Director at the IT Innovation Centre. He has over 20 years experience in IT research. His current focus is on the convergence of services, networks, content and devices known as the Future Internet. His research interests include business models and risk management in dynamic multi-stakeholder ICT systems. He currently coordinates the FP7 ICT-SEC SERSCIS project (dynamic service oriented architecture for critical infrastructure protection) and is a work package leader in the FP7 ICT INFINITY project (infrastructure support and capacity building for the Future Internet community) which is surveying European assets capable of supporting advanced Future Internet applications and services (i.e. assets directly related to IT as a Utility applications). He provides advice on service oriented architectures, business models and security to several other projects. He chairs the EC/NESSI Software and Services Trust and Security Working Group, and is a member of the EC Future Internet Architecture Board, established to provide technical input to the ECā€™s Future Internet PPP.