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EPSRC-funded CommNet II announced

CommNet II: UK Research Strategy Community Organisation in Communications, Mobile Computing and Networking within the EPSRC ICT Portfolio

On the 25th November Professor Timothy O’Farrell said: we are pleased to announce the launch of the new EPSRC sponsored “UK Research Strategy Community Organisation in Communications, Mobile Computing and Networking within the EPSRC ICT Portfolio” referred to as CommNet2.

Our new website is live at http://www.commnet.ac.uk/ and you are invited to register now for information on events, news and networking activities. Please explore the site features, in particular our use of “Groups” to support community initiatives. We are planning a kick-off event in Q1 2016 shortly followed by our first challenge workshop where topics on “5G and IoT” will be discussed.

Building on its predecessor CommNet, CommNet2 aims to bring together the UK academic community engaged in ICT research in order to identify, discuss and address the major ICT challenges of the future. CommNet2’s Management Board includes Professor Timothy O’Farrell (University of Sheffield), Professor David Hutchison (University of Lancaster), Professor Gerard Parr (University of Ulster), Professor Dimitra Simeonidou (University of Bristol) and Professor Rahim Tafazolli (University of Surrey). More UK academics and Industry Partners are also members of the Advisory Board, full details available in our website.

The challenges addressed by CommNet2 necessitate a cross-disciplinary approach to research. Hence, the network will bring together academics from the electrical engineering, electronics, communications, networking, mathematics and computer science disciplines. However, the network is accessible to anyone interested in contributing to research and innovation in ICT, including both early career researchers and ICT professionals as well as established academics. Industry is also welcome to participate in our network activities.

Building on the EPSRC ICT Theme Priorities, CommNet2 will deliver a three year programme that includes networking and training events; international research-horizon scanning; and best practice challenge workshops and conferences. Specifically, the network will create a forum to enable coordinated discussions leading to the formulation of future research bids and world leading publications.

Please share this information with your colleagues who may also be interested in participating in the network and encourage them to register. Users can select the amount of information they wish to receive.

We look forward to welcoming you to our kick-off event. Please contact info@commnet.ac.uk for further information, to ask questions or make any recommendations on the activities and conduct of the network.

Timothy O’Farrell

Professor of Wireless Communications

Director CommNet2

University of Sheffield