

The following tables summarise the achievements of the ITaaU Network+ to date. In addition, Dr Deveril has conducted a feasibility study, “Design4Diversity”, which should translate into a number of future opportunities.


Title Date Location No. attendees
Smart Spaces and Diversity 11 March Southampton 12 attendees
Libraries of the Future – 1 17 April, 2013 Bodleian Lib, Oxford 19 (21 reg – max)
Emerging Economies: International perspectives 23 April, 2013 Assoc. Commonwealth Universities 15 attendees
Embedded IT services and the Internet of Things 20 May, 2013 Southampton 13 attendees
Security and Trust in IT Utilities: challenges, risks and benefits – Scoping meeting 10 June 2013 Southampton 10 attendees
3D printing, scanning and projecting: the changing shape of IT utilities 27 June 2013 Southampton 23 registered
Design approaches for IT Utilities: a two day quest for the optimum interaction design models for IT utilities 4-5 July Ustwo & IBM South Bank, London 23 registered
Adoption of ICT to improve security and trust in the UK food chain 2-3 Sept 2013 County Antrim, Northern Ireland ~50 registered
Libraries of the Future: 2 – scoping meeting 18 Sept Southampton ~6
Human-Data Interaction: big data gets personal 2 Oct 2013 Open Data Institute, London 40 registered (40 max)
Libraries of the Future: 3 13 Nov, 2013 British Library, London ~16
IT utilities: Security and Trust 21-22 Nov 2013 Southampton ~14

Pilot projects

Proposal title Principal Investigator Institution
Trusted Tiny Things Eduado Pignotti University of Aberdeen
Uplands Rescue Resilience Eliane Bodenese & Pat Langdon QMUL and the University of Cambridge
The Typology Of Loss In Vaccine Supply (TOLIVS) Stephen Hailes UCL
Communities in the clouds Tom Lodge Nottingham University
A Sun and Sky Environmental Monitoring System for Crowd Sourcing Peter Wilson Southampton University
CloudMaker: A utility to support social creativity between children Mike Stubbs Liverpool John Moores University
Provision of digital content as a utility in low-resourced off-grid communities Gary Wills University of Southampton


Proposal title Principal Investigator Institution Partner
New AT&T/QMUL Digital Economy collaboration Hamid Haddadi QMUL AT&T, USA
Video Analytics Service for security, surveillance and object tracking Ashiq Anjum University of Derby XAD Communications, Bristol
Social knowledge in digitally connected communities Karen Martin University of Kent, Kent School of Architecture Mapping For Change C.I.C.The Chorley Institute, UCL
Internet of Things, Machine-to-Machine and weightlesness technologies Yue Gao (Frank) QMUL Weightless SIG Hawksmead, Moat Lane Melbourn, Herts, SG8 6EH
Dr Daniela Romano University of Shefield Real time large-scale social pedestrian simulation technology Costain Ltd.
Central Engineering Services Dept., Costain House, Vanwall Park, Maidenhead, Berks SL6 4UB
Erinma Ochu Broadcast quality short film production: “The social life of data The University of Manchester, Education & Centre for the of History, Technology and Medicine in the Faculty of Life Sciences TBC
Second screen broadcast TV: future opportunities Lizbeth Goodman and Huw Williams SMARTlab UK (at Ravensbourne College of Art & Design) British Telecom