Taking TRIFoRM out to the community

Last week marked a high point in the TRIFoRM project, as we were able to travel to the ITaaU Community Conference to engage with a wealth of other fascinating projects while showing off our work.

In terms of the “showing off” part, we first gave a lightning talk about what TRIFoRM is doing and why, how it relates to other projects such as OPTET, and – last but not least! – what we have achieved. We followed this up with a poster and demo; three of the project investigators were able to talk with conference attendees in much more detail about TRIFoRM’s aims, objectives and achievements. We were, in fact, so busy talking to people during this session that – alas! – we did not manage to get a photograph of our poster or ourselves in action. Don’t take our word for it that the poster looked good, though:


As you can see, we had plenty to talk about. Since our previous blog post, we’ve been busy: led by the social scientists in our team, we have assembled a state of the art on trust (considering trust of humans and also technologies), before using that theoretical grounding to guide semi-structured interviews with stakeholders. What stakeholders, you ask? We chose to focus on healthcare monitoring technologies for people suffering from chronic pain, and spoke to people with such issues as well as someone who provides services for these people.

We got some great insights. The two blue diagrams in the bottom left of the poster are thematic maps showing knowledge we gained about technology acceptance and trust transfer, while on the right are diagrams representing two types of threat to trust that we identified from those interviews.

If you want to know more, don’t worry: our third and final blog post will give more detail about our key findings.